Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Summer Officially OVER!

Hallelujah - summer is officially over. I’m going upstairs and am setting my alarm clock for 6 am. I am positively giddy at the prospect of waking my daughter up at 6:30 and saying “Time to get up for school.” She will be busy from 7:50 am until 3:00 pm (at school, not at home, in a different building). She will be learning how to be a productive member of society and more importantly, how to support herself, and after college live not at home, but in a building separate from my own. Then after school, she will run around the field, playing field hockey (not at home, but at school). She will tire herself out, and won’t have the strength to ask “Can we go to the Mall?” Then after field hockey, she will come home (yes, the same building) and dutifully do her homework. She will study, she will be too tired to be anything but civil. Her little fingers will reach for her cell phone at the sound of its insistent buzzing. Alas, she will be too tired to text. She will instead turn to the internet looking for stimulation from Facebook and or Twitter. She will be too tired to “like” or “comment.” The teachers and coaches will have done their work. Before she goes to bed, she will thank me and tell me that she loves me. Bwa ha ha ha ha!

Who am I kidding? Love you Abby!!!

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